Source code for wtdpy.wtdpy

"""WTDpy Packge."""
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict

import httpx
import pandas as pd

[docs]class WTDpy: """Python wrapper for the World Trading Data API. **Parameters** api_token : str Your personal API token from **Attributes** api_token : str Your personal API token from url : str The base url for requesting the API. **Notes** Create an account on to obtain your API key. It will show on the top of your personal dashboard. You can make 250 API calls per day with the free tier. Currently supporting: * Historical data; * Checking if a symbol excists. """ def __init__(self, api_token: str) -> None: """Initialise class.""" self.url = "" self.api_token = api_token # TODO: error if connection if request is failing
[docs] def get_historical_data( self, symbol: Union[str, List[str]], date_from: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, date_to: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, sort: str = "asc", output: str = "dict", ) -> Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]: """Get the historical data for the given symbol. **Parameters** symbol : str or list of str A string or list of strings such as "^AEX", or ["^AEX", "^DAX"]. The symbols should match the format as shown on the World Trading Data site. You can check to see what data is available at World Trading Data. date_from : str or datetime A string representing a date in isoformat (yyyy-mm-dd), a datetime object or None. If no data is provided the earliest date will be requested. date_to: str or datetime A string representing a date in isoformat (yyyy-mm-dd), a datetime object or None. If no data is provided the latest date will be requested. sort: str A string representing the sorting of the requested data. Either ascending "asc" or descending "desc". output: str A string representing the desired output. Either `dict` for a python dict or "df" for a pandas DataFrame. **Raises** ValueError * If provided symbol is not available. TypeError * If `date_from` is not a correct string or datetime object * If `date_to` is not a correct string or datetime object * If `sort` is not a correct string * If `output` is not a correct string **Returns** to_return : dict or pd.DataFrame A dictionary or a pandas DataFrame. If `symbol` is a list then a dictionary of pandas DataFrames will be returned. """ request_url = self.url + "history" params = {"api_token": self.api_token} # Check date from if isinstance(date_from, datetime): params.update({"date_from": str(}) elif isinstance(date_from, str): try: datetime.strptime(date_from, "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: raise TypeError( f"Provided date_from '{date_from}' does not match isoformat \ yyyy-mm-dd" ) params.update({"date_from": date_from}) # Check date to if isinstance(date_to, datetime): params.update({"date_to": str(}) elif isinstance(date_to, str): try: datetime.strptime(date_to, "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: raise TypeError( f"Provided date_to '{date_to}' does not match isoformat yyyy-mm-dd" ) params.update({"date_to": date_to}) # Check sorting request if sort not in ["asc", "desc"]: raise TypeError( f"Provided sort '{sort}' is not equal to either 'asc' or 'desc'" ) else: params.update({"sort": sort}) # Check requested output if output not in ["dict", "df"]: raise TypeError( f"Provided output '{output}' is not equal to either 'dict' or 'df'" ) # Prepare request per symbol if isinstance(symbol, str): to_request = [symbol] else: to_request = symbol # Returning dict to_return = {} for request in to_request: # Check if provided symbol are available if self.search_available_data(request): params.update({"symbol": request}) else: raise ValueError("Requested symbols are not available") # Make the request response = httpx.get(request_url, params=params).json() # Alter the response based on input if isinstance(response, dict): if output == "dict": to_return.update({request: response}) elif output == "df": to_return.update( { request: pd.DataFrame.from_dict( response["history"], orient="index" ) } ) else: raise ValueError("The request failed") if len(to_return) == 1 and output == "df": return to_return[request] else: return to_return
[docs] def search_available_data( self, symbol: Union[str, List[str]], list_alternatives: bool = False, number_of_alternatives: int = 1, ) -> Union[bool, List[dict]]: """Check if the requested data is available. **Parameters** symbol : str or list of str A string or list of strings such as "^AEX", or ["^AEX", "^DAX"]. The symbols should match the format as shown on the World Trading Data site. You can check to see what data is available at World Trading Data. list_alternatives : bool If `True` a list of likely matches is presented number_of_alternatives : int The number of alternatives, besides the top hit, that are checked whether or not they match the provided symbol. **Returns** matching_symbols or alternatives : bool or list A boolean to check whether data is avaible. If `list_alternatives` is `True` and a symbol is not found a list with possible alternatives will be returned. """ request_url = self.url + "stock_search" params = {"api_token": self.api_token, "limit": str(number_of_alternatives)} # Matching symbols found matching_symbols = False # possible alternatives if list_alternatives: alternatives = [] # Prepare request per symbol if isinstance(symbol, str): to_request = [symbol] else: to_request = symbol for request in to_request: symbol_found = False params.update({"search_term": request}) response = httpx.get(request_url, params=params).json() # Alter the response based on input if isinstance(response, dict): for ix, _ in enumerate(response["data"]): if response["data"][ix]["symbol"] == request: symbol_found = True break else: symbol_found = False if list_alternatives: alternatives.append( { "Symbol": response["data"][ix]["symbol"], "Name": response["data"][ix]["name"], } ) if symbol_found: matching_symbols = True # Return either a bool or a list with alternative symbols if not list_alternatives: return matching_symbols elif not alternatives: return matching_symbols else: return alternatives
[docs] def search( self, query: Union[str, List[str]], number_of_hits: int = 5 ) -> Dict[str, List[dict]]: """Search the query in the World Trading Data database. **Parameters** query : str or list of str A string or list of strings such as "Apple computers" or ["Apple computers", "Microsoft"]. This is similar to manually checking to see what data is available at World Trading Data. number_of_hits : int The number of hits that will be returned. **Returns** returned_hits : dict A dict, with the listed hits based on your search query. """ request_url = self.url + "stock_search" params = {"api_token": self.api_token, "limit": str(number_of_hits)} returned_hits: Dict[str, list] = {} # Prepare request per symbol if isinstance(query, str): to_request = [query] else: to_request = query for request in to_request: params.update({"search_term": request}) returned_hits.update({request: []}) response = httpx.get(request_url, params=params).json() # Alter the response based on input if isinstance(response, dict): for ix, _ in enumerate(response["data"]): returned_hits[request].append( { "Symbol": response["data"][ix]["symbol"], "Name": response["data"][ix]["name"], } ) # Return the search results return returned_hits